You can make all this happen!


Your tax-deductible donations can have a direct and immediate impact on the safety and livability of our Hastings Sunrise community.

We are a non-profit registered charity, founded and run by volunteers – including a board of directors drawn from the community, each of whom contributes financially to the operation of the Hastings Sunrise CPC. 

Simply by donating, you can join them and the 100-plus other community-minded volunteers who dedicate time and energy toward making Hastings Sunrise a better place in which to live, work and visit.   

Every dollar goes into filling the gap between the basic funding of our CPC, through funds from the city and other grants, and the actual cost of providing all the services outlined on this website.

The Hastings Sunrise CPC is registered as a charity (# 86355 7302 RR001) with the Government of Canada.  For any donation of $20 or more, you are eligible to receive a tax receipt.


One-time donation / Monthly donation

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* Donation receipts are available to download once the transaction is completed.